Mechanical behavior of the pvc windows frames under alternating load

Mechanical behavior of the pvc windows frames under alternating load


  • Zlatka Geshkova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria



In the present work, an analysis of the joint work of the glass-frame system at variable temperatures is performed, taking into report the climatic conditions in Bulgaria and the real properties of the materials. The properties of the window sash materials, expressed in SN curves, are taken from literature data. Goodman’s method is used to convert the fluctuating in the compression zone load into a fully reversed load. All calculations are accomplished by Ansys Mechanical software. Results have been obtained for the long-term strength of the structure as a total and the maximum number of cycles that the window sash can withstand without fracture. These results can be used for the general design of windows and glass facades.


