How students understand the relation between forms of assessment and motivation

How students understand the relation between forms of assessment and motivation


  • Silvia Traikova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Silvia Tsolova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria


Acquisition and development of knowledge and competences about various forms of assesment, being a part of the educational approaches used at the university, contribute significantly to the rise of the academic achievements of students and to ensure the quality of training. The engagement of students towards forms of assessment could help them to define their knowledge and acievements, and adequately to interpretate the assessment criteria. The study of learners’ opinions for assessment helps to analyse their satisfaction of the learning process. It will increase the motivation through strategies that attract their attention and interest, give importance to the target material and thus connect it with the needs of the students. This will boost confidence in achieving success.






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