Learning through modern means and web-based multimedia of diffusion processes of liquid medium in polymers

Learning through modern means and web-based multimedia of diffusion processes of liquid medium in polymers


  • Milena Milenova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria




This work presents a training model oriented towards the development of competences in the field of chemical technology and which can be built on interdisciplinary tasks. In the theoretical part is shown the transition from the law of Fik in its general case to the case of a one-dimensional two-way diffusion/band model and from there to the database needed to solve the equation relative to the diffusion coefficient in the software environment Mathcad Professional 2001. The training model is built on the example of pairs of polymer-liquid medium and the method of determining their characteristics, which allows an accessible and thorough study of diffusion processes in the authentic professional tasks with specialized software by changing the submitted parameters and visualizing the process through a web-based environment.


