Influence of the physical activity on the reaction patterns structuring in conflict situations

Influence of the physical activity on the reaction patterns structuring in conflict situations


  • Ventsislav Gavrilov University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Todor Marinov University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Vanya Tsolova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria


A number of scientific works have established the positive influence of physical activity on human health and decreasing of the negative emotional experiences (anxiety, fear, anger, aggression, etc.). After carrying out a theoretical analysis and summarization a hypothesis arises, that physical activity has a positive influence on the formation of a more harmonized structure of the reaction patterns in conflict situations. The present study has been carried out on 46 young adults age 18 to 22, from which 24 are engaged in increased physical activity (experimental group) and the others do not exercise or practice any particular sports discipline (control group). After applying a complex investigation methodology it was discovered, that the people with increased physical activity had a more sophisticated structure of the reaction strategies in conflict situations. They showed an increased tendency to collaborate and compromise, and a better adaptability in comparison to those, who did not practice any sports.






Management, Humanities, Sports