System supporting software requirements engineering processes

System supporting software requirements engineering processes


  • Atanas Atanassov University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Vania Kuzmanova University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Ivan Gospodinov University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria


The paper describes the development of a system intended to improve the processes related to software requirements engineering (RE). They include software requirements (SR) elicitation, analysis, specification and management. After the analysis and comparisons of the available on the market systems for software requirements management the main requirements to the proposed system were defined, as well the template of the SR. The system is oriented to support RE processes in software companies developing small or medium SW projects. It is intended to support requirements changes and to estimate the impact of these changes to the scheduled delivery time of the SW. The system provides traceability of related requirements and traceability between different types of requirement - customer to software, software to test cases, etc.






Mathematics, Informatics, Automation