ICT in the process of formation and development of convergence technologies

ICT in the process of formation and development of convergence technologies


  • Radoslav Milchev University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Ohridski, 1756, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Galin Milchev University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Ohridski, 1756, Sofia, Bulgaria




The current stage in the development of global society is characterized by a new wave in technological advancement, labeled as “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. That leads to the arise of many problems for many countries in a condition of multisided globalization - developed, developing, and especially those in transition, concerned with industry’s further development. This field, known as reindustrialization, imposes the need for the stimulation of processes corresponding to a new infrastructure of real economy. From a stage of technical advancement, the economy transforms to a stage of technological advancement with the use of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies ect. This article analyzes problems, connected with the new fields in the production sphere of economy and the development of contemporary fields in the industry. These new technological fields are being reviewed in the aspect of their coordination and convergence, especially concerning ICT, which are attributed to production, as well as having a predominant importance to the sphere of services. Research is conducted concerning the role of ICT in their manifestation as technologies with a common application and also in their quality as basic technologies for the development of industry.






Management, Education